Who Is In Your Support System?...Sometimes the support you find when diagnosed with blood cancer comes from unexpected places. Nine years ago, it was unchartered territory for me when I learned I had a rare...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Virtual or In-Person...During COVID-19, many had to rely on the virtual experience of a doctor's visit. There were some glitches as some facilities didn't have the best tools for a smooth virtual...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesCopingHealthcare TeamIntimacy & Relationships
Sixteen Years of Awareness Months...And another Blood Cancer Awareness Month has gone by. Another World CML Day has gone by. And for the second year in a row, I basically forgot about it. And...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Three Things to Have in Emergencies, Plus Advice...If you ever find yourself in an emergency situation, such as the need to visit the emergency room, I’ve learned from experience that a little advanced preparation goes a long...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Thanksgiving Praise...So the holidays are almost here, and quite frankly you may or may not be in the mood to celebrate. Putting any negative feelings aside, can you think of 1...Reactions0reactionsComments11 repliesCopingFriends & FamilyNewly Diagnosed
DO You have trouble with people saying 'OMG, YOU DONT LOOK LIKE YOU HAVE CANCER"...I have been diagnosed with Leukemia since 2012. It was REALLY hard at the beginning, mental, physically, emotionally. I am still on medication for it. When i tell people ...Reactions0reactionsComments12 repliesCopingDiagnosisLeukemia
Blood Cancer Is Not the Good Cancer...I am so amazed that people consider blood cancer to be the "good cancer." I will never forget one of the first times I spoke openly about my chronic lymphocytic...Reactions0reactionsComments24 comments
You Only Live Once...I’ve had the opportunity to take part in some amazing experiences while and after being diagnosed with multiple myeloma a decade plus ago. It’s only been a few years now...Reactions0reactionsComments10 comments
MDS Patient August 2023...I was diagnosed with MDS and my worst symptoms are horrible skin itching and burning. I have been reading blogs about this. I would love some suggestions on creme or...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesTips & AdviceTreatmentMDS
November is National Family Caregivers Month...As a mom, you are a natural caregiver. From the moment you realize a new life is on the way, to seeing the first glimpse of that new little person...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
When Everyone Else Tells You How To Cancer...You are a cancer warrior! You are a survivor! You are a fighter! You are a one-eyed-one-horned-flying-purple-people-eater! When you have blood cancer, it seems like everyone is always telling you...Reactions0reactionsComments12 comments
Cancer is Fear, But It’s Not All Bad...Well it is that time of year again. No, not the Holiday season - it’s not quite time yet! Even though I am already seeing holiday-themed commercials, I am still...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Frustration...First and foremost Happy Halloween! I remember coming across a quote that said "No one prepared me for surviving cancer. You know, the part that lasts the rest of your...Reactions0reactionsComments14 comments
What a Pain to Get Pain Medication...The other day, I was walking down the street, choking back tears, stopping and starting and stopping again. I was trying to finish a text to my nurse practitioner at...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
How do you make sure you are heard by your doctor?...Living with blood cancer can be challenging, and effective communication with your healthcare team is crucial to receiving the best care possible. Whether you have questions about treatment options, managing...Reactions0reactionsComments29 replies
Why ? ...Why didn’t my Dr. Say anything about a bone marrow transplant? I’m only 71 in great shape. It’s a blood test every 3 months and wait and see what’s next....Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesTreatment
FeaturedConnect, Support, and Share Experiences with fellow MDS Warriors...Living with Myelodysplastic Syndromes can be challenging, but you're not alone on this journey. We're here to listen and support each other through the ups and downs of living with...Reactions0reactionsComments42 repliesTips & AdviceCopingMDS
What Blood Cancer Teaches You...Getting the news I had blood cancer was a bit of a shock. And while I did not know it at the time, my not-so-good news would evolve into many...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Breath as a Tool to Aid Healing...Breathing...it’s something we all do without even thinking. We trust that our breath will happen naturally, and without thinking, we accept the oxygen that our breath carries into our cells...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
A New Kind Of Guilt...I had a very tricky week recently. To make it selfishly about me, rather than the parents it happened to. A funeral of the most beautiful little girl. Not earth-side...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments