Hi, I'm 65 and have been sick for a very long time but the last few year especially the last year I started really going down hill with fatigue, brain fog, bone and muscle pain, lack of appetite and so much more! Outside of my Thryoid being low, my doctor could find no answer as to why I'm feeling so horrible. I started looking back through my blood tests and notice my red blood count and hematocrit too and even the hemoglobin in one test... So, I recently mentioned it to my doctor and she said "oh ill have to check into that!" And that was that... Of course out of curiosity I googled the symptoms and the blood tests and came up with Polythemia Vera! I was surprised to see every single symptoms as well as the overwhelming fatigue. So, my question is how do you get started to find answers when you feel somethings not right and your doctor "may" have overlooked repeated blood tests that showed high RBC and Hematocrit? My fear is I've possibly got this blood cancer and it's being overlooked! " Any answer will be of help!" Thanks...