How is everyone doing going into this hectic holiday season?
Susan Gonsalves
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Remember to take time for rest and to look after yourself. Our immune systems take a beating. Currently down and out with flu but hopefully will recover in time to enjoy at least part of the season.
It is easy for many of us to be outwardly focused on pleasing others that we can forget that our immune systems are not 100%. It was right after chemo when I did some "safe" local travel and came down with Covid Pneumonia . Take care of your self Susan . Find a warm blanket... some hot tea and just get over that nasty flu before the start of 2024 🎉... Dennis ( TEAM)
anne2bill Member
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I refuse to focus on others. As in I live alone, my son lives in another state and contacts me via phone at least once per week. I get to focus on me so that is great. Lately I have been wearing a mask when out in stores, I trust me with all the vaccines I have gotten but not so much others in my area. Covid is again on the rise so you know me first and others can laugh at me I don't care I will do me you do you.
mary penn73 Member
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I still wear a mask everywhere I go. Even mid summer I am hearing of friends/family still getting covid here and there. I have to take care of myself.
I am usually the only one wearing a mask out and about, but people are doing their own thing, and I ignore the looks if I get any. With this heat I stay home as much as possible anyway! (I work remote, which helps).
Yolanda Brunson-Sarrabo Member
Last Updated:
It's interesting when people think this virus has disappeared. We must stay diligent in securing our surroundings' makeup when dealing with a chronic condition. It's just a new way to move about safely. Exceptions are made however you feel work for you, but yes don't let those doing their own thing sway your safety and comfort level. Wishing you the very best! Yolanda (Team Member)