It's Myeloma Action Month!This year Myeloma Action Month is focused on actions that we can take for the myeloma community to increase awareness and to inspire a culture of hope and resilience. How...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesAwarenessMultiple Myeloma
If Self Care Was A TreatmentHow do you rate when incorporating self-care in your day-to-day with your disease? What exactly is a nutshell taking the time to preserve and improve your well-being even with...Reactions0reactionsComments10 repliesCopingMental HealthAwareness
Handling MisdiagnosisHave you met being misdiagnosed with doctors over time with your disease? How have you handled or better yet rebuilding trust with other doctors? For me, a second opinion was...Reactions0reactionsComments16 repliesDiagnosisHealthcare TeamAwareness
Did You Take Life For Granted Before my diagnosis every day was just another routine day. After 6 months of chemo I came to realize that " Every Day is A Special Day." Has a cancer...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesFatigueAwareness
If you could accomplish?If you could accomplish your biggest goal right now, would you do it? And what is that goal?...Reactions0reactionsComments25 repliesAwareness
World Cancer Day 2022: Closing the Care GapThere are many barriers such as cost and disability that come with seeking cancer care? What are some barriers or challenges you have faced in accessing care for your cancer?...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesAwareness
FeaturedHow do you spread awareness about blood cancer?September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month. How do you spread awareness about blood cancer during this month and beyond?...Reactions0reactionsComments9 repliesAwareness
2022‼️The new year 2022! Is a few days away! 🎉🎊 This year what is a goal that your going to accomplish this year?! Write ✍🏾 the vision down ✨ #hopedealer!💞...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesAwarenessCopingFriends & Family
Video blog or journal 📓 your cancer journey?How many of you have recorded some of your journey being diagnosed with cancer whether it was journaling or video blogging....Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesAwarenessTips & Advice
ChangeSince your diagnosis, how has your confidence been?...Reactions0reactionsComments10 repliesAwarenessCoping