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If you could accomplish?

If you could accomplish your biggest goal right now, would you do it? And what is that goal?

  1. I want to make cosplay videos/short films for a living! I have a YouTube account I've been building for years and I hope to one day be able to just put out stuff that I'm passionate about. I have a TikTok too where I'm trying to do the same thing but it can be hard to find the motivation to get into costume sometimes with the chronic pain. Plus body painting yourself green is something you have to mentally prep yourself for regardless LOL. What about you ?

    1. Yes I'll subscribe to your channels when they're up just let me know!! <3 I hear you, one day at a time! (That's so cool you have a studio!)

    2. I’ll subscribe as well💞

  2. Oooo!!! I so want to be painted as an Avatar for Halloween 🎃 next year! I just need to find a great artist to do it✨I have a lot of goals two of my biggest goals right now. Is to have and create an annual AYA Cancer survivor Prom we’re the young adults can dress up in gowns and tuxedos have fun and dance with others going through pre, active, and post treatment🥰 I have the perfect friend to do the decorating! I want to create an atmosphere where people can see other young adults who are still enjoying life even given the circumstances that they’re in. Develop community, meeting new friends, build bonds/relationships, show off their outfits, and enjoy themselves. I’m not sure how to go about it but I’m trying to find a way! I have a WHOLE vision! Rent out a hotel conference room and turn it into a night young adults never forget. The hope to keep hoping💞🫂🎉❤️‍🩹

    1. I just sent you a private message with his info 😀

    2. thank you ❤️🫂

  3. Excellent question! Says ALOT and says ALOT ... With much embarrassment, I do not have a GOAL. In all honesty, thank you for making me realize I need to have something to work towards, and, makes me smile to work towards the accomplishment. Oops! Don't know what happened below...🙄

    1. that’s ok, no need to be embarrassed at all💗I hope I could help you start brainstorming and dreaming of a vision(s) you personally want to see come to reality. I believe that we all have purpose💜It doesn’t matter how big or small that vision/dream is. Know that your vision/dream can be the answer to someone’s struggle or answer to an issue in the world. You have the key 🔑 Dream on 💗❤️✨💃🏾🐼🧡

  4. Thanks. I guess I was feeling should be something major, but as you say, will be very different for each. With you helping me come to that understanding, I am helping another unable to do for themselves. Is very gratifying to be able to help.

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