FeaturedAre you living with a rare blood cancer?What rare blood cancer were you diagnosed with? Share and connect with others living with a rare blood cancer in this forum!...Reactions0reactionsComments19 replies
What has been the most memorable part of 2022?As the year comes to an end, what has been the most memorable part of 2022?...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesCoping
Comfort and ReliefWhat is or was your comfort source after treatments? My go-to was a ginger ale and a heating pad for my stomach....Reactions0reactionsComments14 repliesCopingSymptomsTips & Advice
The Cancer MarketYou know, before I was diagnosed with cancer, I very seldom heard much about cancer or medicines for different types of cancers. Now? Seems every commercial you see on TV...Reactions0reactionsComments11 replies
HydroxyureaI've been taking Hydroxyurea, 1000 mg a day for almost 6 years now. My platelet numbers hang out between 350-450 on average. I know the medication itself could give me...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesTreatment
Happy Thanksgiving 2022From my family to all of yours regardless of health status, Happy Thanksgiving y'all!! I hope it is a pleasant, wonderful and a blessed day for all of you. Best...Reactions0reactionsComments5 replies
LabsHas anyone had their white blood cell count and their absolute neutrophils count stay below normal range for several months? If so, what was causing it?...Reactions0reactionsComments10 repliesLeukemia
Anyone else living with a jak-2 mutation?Question from a member: I was diagnosed two and a half years ago with a jak-2 mutation. My plates were 720 . I am taking Hydroxyurea and am staying around...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesTreatment
56 years years old and Just been diagnosed with PV blood cancerI haven't started treatment yet but My concern has been more about how I will feel under treatment since I have to take this treatment for years to come, hopefully...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesFatigueTreatmentNewly Diagnosed
Has anyone else in your family been diagnosed with a blood cancer?Has anyone else in your family been diagnosed with blood cancer? If so, was it the same blood cancer or a different type?...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesFriends & FamilyDiagnosis