A small boat sails on calm ocean waves as a giant wave comes in

Dear Blood Cancer, I Have a Bone To Pick With You!

You came uninvited, at the worst of times, Bringing with you mountains too steep to climb. I hate you for the fear, the hurt, the tears, For how you touch lives and steal precious years.

You don’t discriminate—child, friend, or kin, You break us down, from outside and within. An opportunist, you strike when we're weak, Bringing despair, making the future seem bleak.

You test our faith and our will to survive, Leaving us wondering how we’ll stay alive. You rob our bodies of strength and peace, Turning simple moments into hard-fought feats.

Lessons arise from blood cancer journey

But even in darkness, lessons arise— We learn to fight, to stand, to survive. You make us stronger than we were before, Teach us to roar when shaken to the core.

You’ve brought many to their knees in pain, Yet we get back up and fight again. For in this struggle, something's revealed— A power within us that’s hidden, but real.

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God first, you’ve taught me, above all things, That love and purpose are what life brings. Not wealth, not status, nor fleeting pride, But in small moments where real strength resides.

Learning to cherish our time

We learn to cherish the days we're given, To seek out joy, to live with intention. In the quiet, we find what really matters— A life of purpose, even as dreams shatter.

You cost us greatly, this much is true, But we won’t surrender our hope to you. Life is precious, and time is too, We cherish each day, despite all we go through.

So, blood cancer, though I hate your name, I’ll use this pain for purpose, not shame. I’ll be the light for others in need, For hope is the power that makes us free.

The fight leads to love

We’ll never stop fighting, we’ll stand tall— For love and light will outshine it all. In the battle you wage, you may claim some ground, But our spirit, our hope, will not be bound.

And again, I speak from my own strife— I’m not done yet—I’ve still got life. You may weaken my body, but not my soul— I’ll rise each time, and stay whole.

In our weakness, we are strong, Not with the strength of flesh, but God’s, all along. The world calls it frailty, a flaw, But God sees vulnerability as strength’s final law.

I’ve walked through the fire, through blood and bone, In cancer’s shadow, where hope feels unknown. Survivor now, yet the road remains steep, With trials and side effects crawling from the deep.

I will rise anew

But here I stand, tall and alive, For those in the storm, still struggling to survive. You may not reclaim the life you once knew, But like a phoenix, you rise anew.

Through the ashes of pain, I still smile, With purpose in heart, mile after mile. For those who see no end, know this is true: In weakness lies strength, and hope will carry you.

We’re fighters, we’re warriors, and we won’t back down. We’re more than just patients in hospital gowns. Our battle scars tell stories of grace, Of the human spirit refusing to be erased.

Though blood cancer, you try to defeat, Our hearts stay steady, our will stays complete. For we are survivors, resilient and strong, And together, we’ll rise, and keep moving on.

~Warrior Panda

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