When you’re anxious, anxiety is really high, can’t sleep…. What are some things you do to calm the anxious thoughts and your mind from running a 100 miles per hour?
First I pray, talk to God, worship, and listen to Christian music. I usually also take lavender capsules, tea ☕️ or hot milk and watch a movie.
Topper318 Member
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I take melatonin “gummy form”.
Katelynn Bauer Member
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I had no idea you could get lavender in capsule form. That's really cool! Are there other flowers/herbs like that?
Amanda Brunson Member
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I still take melatonin from time to time 💗
Dennis Golden Member
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Mmm a melatonin or a very small glass of wine - so may choices
Amanda Brunson Member
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lol, I never thought of it that way 🍷
Dennis Golden Member
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Well typically it is either I can not fall asleep or wake up at 3 AM and find myself solving the problems of life and the world. Here is what helps me. I stop the math! You know the kind that starts with "its 3:15 and I went to bed at 10:17 ...that means I got xxx hours and yyyy minutes of sleep and etc etc" Before bed I write down any recurring thoughts/problems along with the next steps. Once written down I tend not to wake up worrying since the solution is there on paper. I also get a better nights sleep when get more fresh air and activity during the daylight hours
Doreen Member
Last Updated:
Stop the math...what a great suggestion! (Seriously, we've all been there) Thanks for sharing. ~Doreen (Team Member)
Stewartza Member
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I went through this the other night. I woke up after just a couple of hours sleep with excruciating pain in my legs as my muscles had cramped up. I lay and recited a mantra over and over until eventually everything settled down and I was able to relax and get some sleep.
Dennis Golden Member
Last Updated:
I never mentioned adding a bit of Gin LOL - that is your call