you've already received some great advice. For me personally, I have been very surprised at how little my oncologists have offered advice in the area of supplements. After my second bout with leukemia, I found an integrative doctor who looks at the body as a whole, and not just symptoms. She checks things in my blood that no one had ever looked at before, and then has recommended vitamins and supplements to support what the testing shows that I need. And while I did go through a third bout with leukemia, the things she taught me and helped me with made it MUCH easier and helped me have more energy during treatment. Some of the things she suggested were not supported by my oncologist simply because he didn't have the same education that the integrative doctor has. Thankfully for me, he didn't deny it either. And while I can't suggest what is best for you, I personally believe that seeking more advice is a good idea. We are all so unique in what we need. Hope that helps!