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Making Yourself Heard

Listening is so important especially when blood cancer is involved.

I’ve had a few dicey incidents lately where someone not listening put me in a precarious medical position.

I’m not happy about it.

Nonetheless, if I have a message to people with leukemia and other blood cancers it is this: Make yourself heard.

Please listen to me

I feel like a broken record talking about how my former primary doctor would not listen to my health concerns. It was only 1½ years into my complaint when a different doctor, by chance, caught a glimpse of my blood work from nine months before. He ended up stepping in to get me to a hematologist ASAP.

Needless to say, with white blood cells and platelets out of control, it eventually led to my diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML).

My then-primary doctor shut her ears to hearing about the fatigue and pain I was feeling. She more or less rolled her eyes when I showed up for physicals and told her something was “off” and wrong with me. I was clearly annoying her when I tried to speak about how I was feeling. Usually my response, after a few minutes of her not listening, was to just shut down and not say anything.

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My goal was to get out of her office and away from her disbelieving and condescending attitude.

Luckily, I am at a different place now geographically and with my health care providers.

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When it's not your regular team

However, whether it is COVID or some other reason, lately I’ve been seen not by my regular medical “team,” but what I will politely refer to as “randos.”

That's random nurse practitioners or physicians who are on duty and filling in. Mad respect for health care workers, but hear me out.

I have nothing personal against these people, but I do have a huge problem when they put me in a bind by not listening.

Too busy to listen

The first nurse practitioner, who was filling in, would ask me about a problem and I would answer. She would then say the opposite and ask me if she was correct while recording it on the computer. It was like a game of telephone where the message didn't compute--not even once.

Next, she started chattering about setting up an appointment with a specialist that may or may not have been necessary. It would all depend on test results that weren't back yet. She was adamant about setting it up anyway.

Fine, I told her. But I could not do it that week because I had work and other appointments every day. It would need to be after that and located in the same facility.

She was not listening when I was speaking. She was fiddling with the computer and not paying attention. The result? The appointment was scheduled for that week and at a different facility 45 minutes away.

When you're the last appointment for the day

More seriously, this past weekend I sat in an urgent care setting for nearly two hours before seeing the doctor on duty. Many people told me that I was her final patient of the day at noon. I could hear chatter outside of the door that yes, at last, this person, Susan, would be `it' for the day.

The doctor, head down, rushed into the room, not introducing herself. She took a look at the suspected cellulitis in my feet and without looking at my chart or knowing anything about me declared she would prescribe x antibiotic.

I have important things to tell

I am allergic to 11 things, many of them antibiotics. I also take a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. There are many interactions. I have leukemia, hello, and a host of other serious medical problems.

She started telling me with a push of the button she was sending the order over to the pharmacy and it was now three minutes past noon, I kid you not, and she was bustling toward the door.

Speaking over me

I tried to speak and she talked over me. Finally, I said, “Please…Please could you listen to me for one minute?” I told her I was susceptible to a lot of drug allergies and I usually used x antibiotic for cellulitis.

Further, I told her that there were a lot of interactions between drugs and my TKI. I needed to know if x made the cut. That would require her to call up my chart.


Her answer, on her way out the door, was to call my doctor Monday and/or ask the pharmacist if what she prescribed was okay for me to take.

Nothing on the chart

When I got home, I read the report she wrote about the visit. What stood out to me was the section where my medications are usually listed. You know, the nine I take every day, including for blood cancer.


Beware of the randos.

I hope the next person who calls up my chart online, does not refer back to that visit.

Listening is a two-way street. Medical professionals expect patients to listen to their information and instructions. Shouldn’t they listen back to the person who knows his/her body best?

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