In what way has your blood cancer diagnosis changed you the most?I have changed in that I make stronger attempts at taking care of myself physically, mentally and spiritually. I still am not perfect, but I am so much more aware...Reactions0reactionsComments32 repliesCopingTravelAwareness
Fulfilling A Bucket ListWhat is that number one on your bucket list of things to do and see? I've been around but Brazil was a must see on my list to visit before...Reactions0reactionsComments11 repliesTravelCoping
Travel and CovidAre you ready to get back out there in the world by traveling- local or abroad? I'm a traveler it was stressful before but now that people are bonkers with...Reactions0reactionsComments11 repliesTravelCopingTips & Advice
Making a Bucket listWhen I was in active treatment, I decided to make a bucket list. I apologize if saying bucket list offensives anyone. I was wonder if anyone else made a list...Reactions0reactionsComments19 repliesTravelFriends & FamilyCoping