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What else do I have beside blood-cancer..Polycythemia vera, Hemochromatosis, PFO Stage III, with highly mobile aneurysm, Bels Palsy, Lichen Planus, Hypoglycemia. Hematologist treating with phlebotomies once monthly.

Going thru anxiety, depression and major fatigue. Does anyone have similar ???

  1. Hi! That is certainly a lot to juggle all at once. Feeling anxiety, depression and fatigue is something many of our community members have expressed feeling as well. I also felt all of those things while going through treatment, and post treatment. I didn't have your specific diagnosis, hopefully others will jump in who do. In the mean time, please know you're not alone here. Is there anything I can help you with? We have a lot of resources I could direct you to if you're looking for anything in particular. Warm wishes, Katelynn (Team Member)

    1. Anxiety, depression and fatigue are the BIG 3 we all face at some point on this journey with blood-cancer. I was diagnosed and treated for blood cancer with chemo for 6 months in 2020. Prior to that I been diagnosed with an aggressive prostate cancer in 2013 which after surgery came back with a vengeance . I was then treated with radiation and hormone therapy and also did a bout (hospitalized) with Covid Pneumonia for 10 days and was on oxygen . No one thought I would make it home - including me. A few months later my wife passed suddenly in 2022.

      Was I facing the Big 3? YES ! What has helped me was to recognized that I and I alone fully responsible for the stories that play in my head. I can choose to look on the negative side of every situation or I can choose to find (however how small ) the many positive things in my life. I may not be able ride my bike 25 miles a day like i use to - but i can get up and walk down the driveway. I can turn on some music in the house and while I can not dance i can keep time with the music with my fingers. OR I can choose to ignore those small joys and focus on the "dark side" Choices we make hundreds of them every day - I have decided it was better for me to smile more often and thank God i am still here. Dennis( TEAM)

      1. I've heard of a snowball effect that many of us seem to experience. For some people leukemia, for example, has been a side effect of other cancer treatment. It's a catch 22. One trouble can lead to the next and the next. It's all connected. For me it's been CML, neuropathy, Bels palsy, vitamin deficiencies and allergic reactions to treatment. It's no wonder we experience anxiety, depression and fatigue! For the anxiety/depression treatment I've been told that Sertraline is effective. I do hope you find relief.

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