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Restricting sugar when diagnosed with PV blood cancer

Ive read cancer loves sugar. So no sugar. But what about PV blood cancer that cant be cured. Is it best to cut out all sugar in food which would include tropical fruit, fresh orange juice etc. I have been on a gluten free, lactose free, no refined sugar diet for 30 years but really enjoy the odd home made fruit juice with no honey or sugar added. What will cutting out every form of sugar in food products from my diet accomplish with PV? or do I just need to be moderate with the sugar intake and check my sugar levels?

  1. Diet is a very individual, unique thing. It's why there isn't one standard diet that works for everyone. Unfortunately it's going to take some trial and error before you find the things that make you better or worse. It took me years to hone the one I'm currently using and even that isn't a 100% of the time thing. We are here to help however we can, though, let us know! Keep on keepin' on, DPM

    1. I concur with Dan. The walk with using sugar in general should be a moderate walk on the mindful side. You bring up some good points and I would say for sure they are great points to speak with your doctor and even inquire about speaking with a qualified dietician on those food and diet concerns.

      Here's some info on how and what sugar does when the body is rocked with challenges:

      1. Have also read many reports regarding concerns over the consumption and use of white sugar. I seem to recall an expression "Where there is smoke there is Fire." Personally I have cut back significantly over the years - that said on "occasion" the desire wins - key for me is to realize it and get the sugar yearnings back under control. Dennis( TEAM)

        1. Sugar in general should be avoided. Its a proven fact that sugar promotes inflamation and can be the co-creator of other problems. We now know that excess sugar consumption is linked to the development of amyloid plaques in the brain. Treat sugar like heroin, addictive and poisonous. Cancer cells need glucose to live and multiply. Honey, agave, fructose, brown sugar, coconut sugar, etc etc, they are all the same. Fruit juices are nothing more than liquid sugar, eat low sugar fruits--much better. Almost everything you buy has some form of sugar. You have to become the Sherlock Holmes of food label reading. Give it up, you dont need it. Since my MM diagnoses 3 years ago, I treat sugar like the plague, dont miss it. Read about Otto Warburg, the brilliant German scientist/physician who won the nobel prize in 1936 for his discovery about cancer.

          1. I found out recently that sugar was a HUGE trigger for my RA along with, less so, carbs. I try to do a keto diet to help and it does keep my disease in check somewhat, so now I follow it as best I can. You are certainly right about that in my case! Keep on keepin 'on, DPM

          2. The jury seems to be out on this sugar debate, but for sure most of us here in this boat can agree that sugar is not the go-to. We really have to be detectives in figuring out the best means for a new and healthier lifestyle. Thank you for sharing!
            Yolanda (Team Member)

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