I was in remission for 10 months and then my cancer came back hard, I now have AML, getting treatments and soon I hope to have bone marrow transplant, when ratios get into right range - U of MN have several possible matches, so hopefully that will happen soon
Yolanda Brunson-Sarrabo Member
Last Updated:
Maria, it's been a while.😀 You are so correct with the needle in the haystack factor. You just don't know what you don't know. Wishing you the very best!
Angie Netterville Member
Last Updated:
good to hear from you! So glad to hear there are matches for your transplant. Wishing you the best!
Dennis Golden Member
Last Updated:
I have had the "good fortune " of being diagnosed with both blood-cancer and prostate cancer. It was the latter cancer that came back after treatment. While emotionally devastated when first learning of a relapse I realized in time that many other treatments were available and that my life would continue to go on.
The best advice I received from another patient who also experienced a relapse was this ... 1) Take it all one day at a time and ...2) Enjoy life and the people in it vs focusing on possible negative outcomes that may never happen ... 🙏🏻 Dennis (Blood-Cancer.com TEAM)