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Hi im Laura I was diagnosed 8 months ago and have been on chemo every since. I am not coping very well. I do not have a very good support team. But I do have a great doc at the Huntsman cancer research center. He specializes in cml. Do you ever get your stamina back im always tired. And people think I'm just lazy?
Yolanda Brunson-Sarrabo Member
Last Updated:
Welcome to the community. Fatigue has a way of being the number one noticeable complaint; it's worth a conversation with your doctor in coming up with ways to cope. I've attached a helpful article on fatigue and chronic conditions- hope you find it a bit helpful and perhaps you can use it as some talking points with your doctor. Wishing you the very best!
Daniel Malito Member
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I was in a similar situation. My team consisted of my mom and my (now ex) spouse. My spouse pretty much checked out while I spent three months in the hospital and my mom had to pick up the slack, but she is elderly and couldn’t do it all. Eventually, the day I got home from the hospital I sat my spouse down and asked what the deal was. Turns out she met someone while I was in the hospital and was leaving soon. Well, there goes my main support team member. 💁♂️ While it’s not exactly as god, just remember, you are not alone and we are here to help however we can from here. Keep on keepin’ on, DPM
Angie Netterville Member
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Angie -team member
Sundowner 460 Member
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Hi, Laura - I've had CML for 16 years this coming October 27th. I'm not going to tell you that the day will come when you are "back to normal". From my experiences, you will have some great days and fewer "bad" days as time goes on. Part of it is developing your own awareness and coping mechanisms to deal with this chronic condition. I'm fortunate to have two adult children who actually like me and live close by, as well as my mature German Shepherd Dog, Luna, who is my constant companion.
A few tips from my personal coping mechanisms: black licorice helped me with mouth sores and upset stomachs, don't be afraid to ask for antidepressants from your oncologist should the need arise (they fill out these prescriptions everyday), stay involved with those things you are passionate about to the limits of your time and energy, seek out advise from the social workers at your clinic (great source of information), and allow yourself the grace to say "no" to those persons or activities that you find taxing or exhausting. Oh, and one last thing, find something to be grateful for each day. Becoming ungrateful for the joys that remain in your life will only alienate you from those who care the most.
Best of luck! You are not alone!
Angie Netterville Member
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