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CLL mutation TP53

I can not find anyone who has experienced this!! Either firsthand or family/ friend. I know it's not good ,poor prognosis, etc. I was diagnosed in November. If you have ANY insight, please share!

  1. I can't say that I have experienced that specific condition, but we do have a wide range of community members and combinations so hopefully someone with it can chime in! In the meantime, is there anything we can help you with? Keep on keepin' on, DPM

    1. I am not familiar with all you have going on with this ... That said the best approach for me (3 cancers, chemo and covid) has been to take it one day at a time. By all accounts I should not be here and last year no one including me thought I would see 2023.

      1. I want to say someone else reached out a year or two on the same diagnosis. I'm not familiar with this myself, but I would suggest posing this question on our Facebook page, which may have a longer reach, and someone there may wish to chime in.

        I found a great article written a few years ago with a similar subject that may provide some slight information for Mantel Cell, unfortunately, there are various conditions or mutations under this but this may provide some information. Please let us know if you were able to find more details, if all fails let your provider know you want to know where you can find more specific details or resources that consist of other patients with the same condition. Wishing you the very best!

        1. Thank you

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