Hi all,
We went to the hematologist/oncologist today to get the results from my dad's bloodwork. He felt on the initial visit my dad has CLL. At this visit today at first he said from the bloodwork he still believes it is CLL and he would get a petscan and follow up in a month but then as he continued looking at all his blood work he said he actually needs to do a bone marrow biopsy because it looks like he has a gene mutation called Jaks2. He was talking way above my understand of what this means. I tried to do some research but still not really understanding what this means or why or what the biopsy will tell him. My dad is 87. He seemed genuinely sorry he needs to do the biopsy which is scheduled for Monday. Does anyone know anything about this? The doctor was way behind so I didnt want to keep him longer trying to explain things because even when he did I still did not understand and I have worked in healthcare for years till I retired as a cardiac tech. It was all way above me. TIA