I was diagnosed with ALL on April 1, 2017. Boy was this a crazy April fools day for me. It was crazy we were having a nice vacation in Maryland at my husband's cousin's wedding and I felt fine I thought I was in the best health I could be in. I had lost 54 pounds a few years before that and worked out faithfully and ate healthily. Who would’ve thought that anything could be wrong with me?

How could that be?

Long story short I went home and my primary Dr. said my blood work looked fine. But how could that be? The Dr. in Maryland said I had leukemia and he is saying I'm fine. I had the girl take me to the Dr. again. I was referred to the oncologist. She said I looked great and maybe my white blood cells just want to be low.

The night after she called me on her way home from work almost crying saying she was so sorry she had to tell me that my blood work came back and it showed I had leukemia. She said she could not help me and referred me to UCSD. She said they were great and they would take good care of me.

In shock

I was in shock and didn't know how to react. I called my family to come over and my kids to come home from work to give them the news. It was so hard to tell them. I thought my family would be there to support me but my siblings and my dad distance themselves. Thankfully, my elementary friends, my 4 best friends, my daughters, my husband, and my mom and stepdad were all there for me. I was very upset that I had to reach out to my friends because my family wasn't around. But I was able to let it go but will not forget.


I am now in remission but due to COVID wasn't able to work for a year and a half, was fired from my job. I decided to go back to school to pursue a different career. In August I was cleared to go back to work and I now have a part-time job which is good for me right now. My goal at this point is to finish school.

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