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Things To Consider

I had an interesting conversation a few weeks back and it has still left me a bit baffled. The question posed “How would I get along if I didn’t have health coverage while living with multiple myeloma?" I gave the proper reply of being resilient in doing what I have to do, but frankly, as I’m still thinking about the question. It would really be a horrifying situation.

Never take insurance for granted

Coming from the corporate mold, I along with many Americans understand the benefits of an employment package that includes other perks besides a salary. A package with health insurance is the leading factor of taking a job, and what comes along after is whatever. During college, I spent a couple of years without insurance, and if a checkup was required I had to shell out my own money in paying. As a college student trying to study, work part-time, and living at home, it was a stretch, but with that said, I was diligent in making check-ups maybe not as often but it was part of my make-up.

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I think the world has definitely changed a bit in how everyone can afford health insurance, as things seem even direr than some years ago when I was a student. As many companies figure out how they move forward with furloughs and terminations that issue of insurance is a huge factor for many Americans today, especially on the heel of COVID-19, and any other underlying health issue that may be had.

What would I do?

Frankly, I don’t know, but I guess reviewing what resources are out there would be the first step. Well for the many who were met with a pink slip, a severance package would usually include Cobra benefits. I recall two jobs in my lifetime where a package included Cobra and the price of keeping my insurance was quoted at $500 a month, and in my 20’s trying to figure out the next job, that was a whole lot of money to shell out. That was always a side conversation in the fashion industry if laid off and being dealt the hand of this service option, many finally decided to be without medical insurance.

It seems like they’ve made some slight improvements and that may have something to do with ObamaCare. I know a lot of people complained about the latter but going 20 years back some of today’s options seem way better than the choices decades ago. Many of the working poor once considered or fall in the Medicaid category, but even being eligible for Medicaid comes with some intricacies in qualifying. So what would I do? I guess this is the plight that we all could easily face, and not take lightly.

We'd figure it out if we needed to

I do recall in my first few years in treatment and mentioning a similar point, and basically, my husband and I said we’d face it together and we’d figure it out if we'd lost employment. Unfortunately for many, that is the sentiment when the most unexpected happens while fighting cancer and that is making a way through the storm, and usually most prevail in getting the care they need in the time they need it. However, those that can't figure it out as the choices are slim go without.

The time to fight is now, with integrity, grace, hope, and a smile….when you feel like it

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