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Blood Cancer Chronicles: Book Giveaway - CLOSED

Thank you for participating in the Blood Cancer Chronicles: Book Giveaway! Winners are being selected and will be contacted by email!

We're thrilled to give away 4 copies of Ray Hartjen's new book: Me, Myself & Multiple Myeloma. Ray shares his firsthand journey battling blood cancer. Beyond describing treatments and responses, Ray illustrates the profound impact fighting cancer has had on his life, his caregivers, family, and friends. It is a firsthand account of introspective reflection, proactive accountability, stubborn perseverance, evolving perceptions, growing maturity, and ultimately, enduring hope.

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The giveaway ends on Apr 12, 2024, at 5:00 PM ET. The winners will be notified via email. The winners have 48 hours to claim their prize before an alternate winner will be selected. For more information, please read our Terms & Conditions. Good luck!

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