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Who is in your support circle?

Share a moment when your support circle made a big difference for you.

  1. I have one friend in particular who has been with me through every bit of this whole mess. To keep a long story short the radiation I had to take caused osteomalacia. Eventually the bones in my legs had gotten so soft that I physically could not walk anymore. She picked me up and carried me everywhere I needed to go until a wheelchair could be gotten.

    1. There are heros among us! Everyday people doing everyday things that make everything better. Give your friend a big hug from all of us. Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. When my fatigue is so severe I can’t get out of bed. My circle picks up the slack.

    1. The fatigue of cancer is real and it is debilitating. It is no joke. I am almost three years into remission and I still get it a handful of days per month. It is awful and I do hope it will go away someday, but for now, I deal with it like I am sure you are. Just know you are not alone in this! Keep on keepin' on, DPM

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