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What organizations and services have helped you?

What organizations and services have you used and found you helpful to manage your life with blood cancer?

  1. When I was newly diagnosed and going through treatment as a single mom in 2007/2008, the local LLS chapter mailed me a check to help cover my expenses, and I hadn't even reached out to them. I'm not sure how they learned about me, but I sure appreciated the assistance.

    1. , what an appreciated surprise I’m sure that was! -Christina, Team

  2. I was diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndromes in 2017. I immediately contacted the MDS Foundation. My oncologist said, "Don't trust Dr. Google. Here is a list of suggested websites." The Foundation mailed me a packet full of information about MDS, so I learned a lot. (I had never heard of MDS.) A representative even called me!

    1. , what a helpful resource—thanks for sharing!
      -Christina, Team

    2. how wonderful for a doctor to share the websites! I think many of us jump onto Google and possibly become overwhelmed. I'm sure it was reassuring to have people so willing to give you answers. So glad you're here to share!

  3. This experience has been like a flower pulling back the petals in digging further for information. I remember reaching out to the top blood cancer organizations which led to other resources; I felt it did take some work in comprehending and finally make more own plan of how and where to find information.

    1. AYA Moffitt Cancer
      Stupid Cancer
      Elephants and tea
      First descendants
      Imerman angels
      Cactus cancer society
      Young adult survivor United
      Cancer + careers

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