Calling all those living with blood cancer: We'd love to hear your thoughts on the importance of finding a blood cancer community. How has connecting with others who understand your journey impacted your experience? Share your insights and stories.
It means there are people who went threw the journey too.
Yolanda Brunson-Sarrabo Moderator & Contributor
Last Updated:
Indeed, mentally it helps in seeing that you're not alone with this. thank you for sharing 😀
sfpdf Member
Last Updated:
Even though our diagnoses, treatments, issues and prognoses differ widely from person to person, we still have more in common than what divides us, and more in common with each other in these regards than we do with our treatment teams and friends and families. At that level, I hope we all understand each other, whatever other differences we might have outside of the community. I hope others can draw, and give, as much comfort from that as I can. My absolute best wishes to all.
CommunityMembercde9d4 Member
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It is good to be able to find and talk with people going through what you are experiencing although not everyone is the same
Daniel Malito Moderator
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That’s true for sure. At first I was like “I’m going to soldier on through this alone and not burden anyone else!” Well, that lasted about five whole minutes before I was online asking “has anyone else had this before???” 😂 It does help to know that what you are feeling and thinking isn’t weird or something no one else ever felt! Keep on keepin’ on, DPM
Angie Netterville Moderator & Contributor
Last Updated:
, I agree with all of you. There are not many here with my particular diagnosis, but we all share similar experiences. We hope you feel supported in sharing your perspectives and insights as they are helpful to everyone here. Thanks for your input! Angie -team member
sfpdf Member
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Thanks for all you and your colleagues do for the site and us, Angie.
Angie Netterville Moderator & Contributor
Last Updated:
it's very kind of you to acknowledge us. We are all so happy to provide support because we've been there too. Everything you share here inspires us too, so thank you for that!!