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Yolanda Brunson-Sarrabo
Last Updated:
What are your thoughts on waiting it out before starting treatment for your blood cancer? Does it make sense or would you prefer to start early and get the process over with?
Amanda Brunson Member
Last Updated:
Start early because one ☝🏾 it might make me a nervous wreck and two ✌🏾I personally feel treat it early versus waiting for it to get to the point where I need treatment and three my chances for remission is greater but down side will the leukemia cells become resistant to treatment. Tough tough decisions uuuggghhhh🥴
Yolanda Brunson-Sarrabo Member
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jrt402 Member
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vidaza after 8 months of treatment got my blood ratios mostly ok - still got few symptoms that want to hang around - so presently on cbc blood test every 2 months and watch and wait to see what the future brings
Amanda Brunson Member
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Yolanda Brunson-Sarrabo Member
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jrt402 Member
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thank you for your support - I still have too much fatigue-sore throat - foot pain -but I try my best to manage it and listen to my body - when tired, take short nap. It does get frustrating at times, but I do my best to stay positive and have my faith in God...
Angie Netterville Member
Last Updated:
It sounds like you've learned to be kind to yourself when you need it. That's huge!! I'm certain it's not always easy to stay positive, but treating yourself the way you would others is such a good example for anyone. Keep it up!
Ann Harper Member
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Ann Harper Member
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My cancer is different and I’m in wait and watch mode. I didn’t want to do it, I wanted treatment, but my doctor talked me out of it and I’m grateful. I can mostly enjoy my life and am presently living side effect free. Great question! Ann ( Team member)
Yolanda Brunson-Sarrabo Member
Last Updated: