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What would you tell your younger self before blood cancer?

I would say...
Girl, let me tell it's gonna be rough, but you will learn so many important lessons about life along the way.

  1. I would say don't take anything for granted. You may not be able to do things like travel or attend events (as much) so enjoy them while you can."

    1. Yes, indeed!

  2. I would say, trust yourself. You know how to battle. You will learn so much about people. Your instincts were always spot on. So proud of you 😀

    1. Yes, those instinct triggers are deep within all of us in withstanding so much.

  3. I would say let’s not learn one of the hardest lessons you’ve learned. Give Keith’s a chance and don’t let fear stop or paralyze you. You deserve love 💗 🫂

    1. I suspect my younger self would hear my words of guidance and nod knowingly ...but deep down ... would not be able to absorb the deep meaning only a life of personal experience can bring.

      It is only when we find ourselves on the other side of the tunnel can we look back through the darkness and appreciate the significance of that well intentioned advice from the future .... Dennis( Team)

      1. Yes, that usually seems to be the sentiment for so many. Best!

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