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What would you tell someone who is newly diagnosed with blood cancer?

What do you reflect on now that you're living in the moment of treatment? What would you tell the newly diagnosed you now a year or more in this new day?

For me- "I'm stronger than I thought".

  1. There's so much, but ...

    Breathe. Accept help, support and love. Keep doing or find things that bring joy to your life, and do them as much as possible. Drink lots of water. Take time to rest, recover and relax. Hug someone or something every day. Help others on their journeys.

    It's hard to look back and remember the time of being newly diagnosed. It was tough, but the community of people made it easier, as did the time to rest and recover.

    What a great question, Yolanda!

    1. Hi Ramae,
      I would have to agree with all you mentioned. I'm happy this question resonated with you. Best!

  2. I would tell the newly diagnosed to find themselves a good doctor or specialist who is willing to explain things in layman's terms, answer questions and be alongside you during the journey. Too many people I know are trying to find answers randomly online or through word of mouth. Eliminate the guess work. Knowing as much as you can about your condition can be scary but it also empowering and eliminates some of the fear. Thank you.

    1. ...cannot wait to accomplish finding 'that' doctor. I need full explanations and just as you said, in layman terms. 🌻

    2. Medical speak is so ease for those who know it use it every day on their jobs and sohard on the rest of us

  3. Agree on finding a good MD and if you are not pleased listen to that inner voice (yes we all have one) and find a new MD. And for goodness sake do not look for medical advice or a diagnosis on line vs. seeing a medical pro.

    Best to find sites like where real information is exchanged with those who may have walked a similar path before you.

    In my opinion ... nothing beats speaking with folks who have experienced the same thing you are going through.

    Because of my work I have fortunate to be in close contact with Researchers, Pharma firms, Dr's and Hospitals and almost all agree --- unless you have had first hand experience with a disease you really do not fully understand what a patient is going through mentally or physically.

    Quality of life is an important consideration and is not often top of mind in the rush to treat a patient and that is where education and support groups are helpful.

    Also ask your MD for a referral or ask your hospital if they can put you in touch with a local support group ---mthey can be a real life saver for both patient and care givers alike

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