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Recovery Time

Is this me or is this anybody else? When you happen to get a cold or a sinus infection, does it take you longer than a person who hasn’t been through treatment to get better? I have noticed it takes a while if I was to get sick to get better.

  1. I'm on my second week and only now getting better.

    1. ,
      Sending tons of well wishes your way.
      Here's hoping each day gets a bit easier.
      Kindly, Doreen (Team Member)

  2. Yeah! I feel like recovery time has gotten better this year then it did last year but I think I'm still kind of slow at recovering then I should be.

    1. Yes, I’ve notice recovery time is longer then usually.

      1. it's going to be pretty much anyone who's gone through chemo. Your body is healing from the damage that the chemo has done to the entire body, and that takes years. Like myself, I've been through chemo and radiation two separate times within a year and a half, plus the SCT the second time around. God knows how much longer I'll be on the anti rejection meds, and the meds that are still suppressing my immune system. Plus the anti viral, anti bacterial and anti this and that meds. So, yes, even if your not on your own pharmacy of meds, your body is going to take longer to get past colds and the flu. Shane (Blood team member)

        1. I keep thinking it's my fault, that I'm doing something wrong. I forget it can literally takes years for your body to recover. I'm in year 2 of remission, I should give myself more credit. Thanks for the reminder Shane!

        2. thank you so much for the reminder as well I’ve done 10 years of chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant give myself grace 🙏🏾

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