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Paid research opportunity for cancer patients and their family caregivers!

NYU Culture, Emotion, and Health Lab are inviting cancer patient-family caregiver pairs to participate in an online research study to share their cancer-related experiences in the United States. They are looking for:
Cancer patients/survivors who:
-Are 18 years or older
-Are currently living in the US
-Have a family member who currently provides care to you also willing to participate in the study
Cancer caregivers who:
-Are 18 years or older
-Are currently living in the US
-Have a family member diagnosed with cancer also willing to participate in the study
Participation involves:
-Baseline survey
-3 month follow-up survey
-6 month follow-up survey

Earn up to $70 in Amazon e-gift cards for your participation!
Click here to take the survey!

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