Mays Cancer Center is seeking blood cancer patients, ages 18 and up and currently undergoing active treatment, to participate in a National Institutes of Health-funded research study lasting for 20 weeks total.
The purpose of the study is to test an app-based wellness intervention for chronic sleep disturbances among blood cancer patients. We will be asking eligible and consented study participants to use a smartphone-based wellness app for 10 minutes per day for a total of 8 weeks. Additionally, we will ask that study participants complete in-person blood draws and online surveys at 3 different time points over the course of the 20-week study (baseline, after 8 weeks, and after 20 weeks). Finally, we will also ask that study participants wear an Oura Ring daily and complete a brief daily sleep diary for 8 weeks and then again for 1 more week during week 20.
All study participants that finish the 20-week study will receive $75 in compensation.
If you are interested in learning more about or joining this study, please contact us by phone (210-450-8253) or email hemestudy@uthscsa.edu, or visit this link to complete the eligibility survey: https://uthscsa.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5gRiOOJQ6fW7srQ (case sensitive).
You will need to meet a range of eligibility criteria to be considered eligible to participate in this study. Participation is voluntary.