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Living with CLL

Hey all, would love to hear about your treatment , ongoing battle, and remission stories. I’ve been in remission for over a year now, take Imbruvica (420mg) daily.
Would love to hear your coping strategies, diet, mental health attitude, I have an open ear and a shoulder to lean on. I’m someways a philosopher and a wordsmith if I can offer and receive advice, etc.

  1. Congrats on your remission ! As you wait for others with CLL to reply, I found this article that might be helpful
    I personally have HCL, and I watch my diet by avoiding the common inflammatory food like gluten, dairy, soy, corn. I also exercise based on how I feel that day. So high fatigue days mean easy walks. I could type all day on this! Thanks for the thought provoking question and your willingness to help others. Wishing you the best as you continue to move forward in your journey!
    Angie -team member

    1. Thank you Angie for the feedback and book referral. I’ll take a look.

  2. Also, Dr. Nasha Winters book "The Metabolic Approach to Cancer" has been a very helpful resource.

    1. Cheers to your remission! I would have to say all that you mentioned are a go-to for starters and being mindful of what you've just experienced. I would have to say for me remission was a sigh of relief but it was not quite back to business. You learn the importance of moderation and learning and moving how your body wants you to move. Best 😀

      1. , Agree, have to listen to your body, it knows best. It’s the daily meds, and constant fatigue…even still in remission. But it’s a new life style.

        1. It really is a new lifestyle and in time you learn to adjust. Best! 😀

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