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How have you managed changes in your cancer journey?

Everyone's experience with their diagnosis is unique; people often face significant changes and challenges. Whether it's dealing with anxiety, seeking second opinions, or finding new purposes and roles, each step shapes your path forward.

How have you managed changes in your cancer journey?

Share your experiences, insights, and strategies that have helped you cope and adapt. Your story could provide valuable support and inspiration to others in our community.

  1. While I would never wish cancer on anyone, my journey with this disease has helped me see and appreciate life and living in ways I would have never imagined. Even on the most challenging days, there is always something positive one can focus on. Dennis( TEAM)

    1. I am at peace with my MDS 5Q. I have had it 5 years and now I am being treated. Treatment is a little bit of a pain, but all is good.

      1. I really appreciate this perspective. I'm guessing that finding that peace will serve you well as you navigate your journey. We're here to support you!
        Angie (Team Member)

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