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How Has Faith Helped You to Cope?

I have CLL and I can't imagine getting through this without my faith in God. I will say that going through this journey has done two incredible things for me. First, it developed my relationship with God. It became a much deeper and personal experience. Secondly, in my awareness of my faith, I became open to faith in a broader way. It wasn't just about Christianity but truly understanding Faith and being able to see and experience God as we all do. I got into meditation, yoga, aromatherapy... At the center of it all, we all desire strength, peace, hope, love, healing...

  1. Same! I could not do this without God and I also got into yoga, meditation, aromatherapy seeking more peace within and strength. It’s so important to me. At times I’m not sure how I do it only by the grace of God.🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🧎🏾‍♀️

    1. Same for me Leya. Almost 20 years ago I went through some personal battles. When I came out on the other side after witnessing a personal miracle, I had a verse 5 from psalm 25 tatood on my shoulder to remind me that God is always guiding me and near me. When I got Multiple Myeloma and it changed my life and devastated my body, I looked down at my shoulder many times each day to remind me. I still do. "My hope is in You all day long"

      1. thank you for your helpful reminder ! And so happy for your miracle!

    2. Absolutely covid pandemic. Mpn diagnosis, and all the other health issues I am so thankful my mother sent me to a lutheran school the memorization of Bible verses hymns scriptures all give me the strength with my Lord and saviorJesus 's help
      50 years at my current church and school and 13 at a prior one we stream both traditional and contemporary new age at on utube and Facebook weekly for any shut in that would love a great pick me up pastor strand is that for me for past 30 of the 50 years here God bless you all and prayers for his healing hands to remove our pain and suffering and heal us all.

      1. thanks for sharing what works for you. I'm sure it will be helpful to others. God bless you too!
        Angie -team member

      2. I am a pastor's kid and a minister myself. I never found how much I needed all that my parents put in me and exposed me to until I was diagnosed with cancer and during this pandemic. I had to truly rely on my own faith and not their faith. So thankful I had it and continue to do so! My prayers are with you! Stay strong!! ~Leya Elijah-Team Member~

    3. My faith is the center of who I am. Not only is my faith important to me but belonging to a faith community has been such a support. The prayers, meals, cards and love of many who share my faith and some who don’t has carried me through rough times.

      1. I am glad that you have found a touchstone for support in your journey. I often wonder how folks without the benefit of a strong faith fare when facing many of life's challenges. 🙏🏻 Dennis ( TEAM)

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