Welcome to this community, and sorry to hear about your diagnosis. You have some very reasonable and valid points. You should air out these exact concerns and have your doctor give the yeah and nay to your specific situation.
I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and I did ask my doctor if I could drink occasionally again...the reply was in moderation a glass of wine. If I went past that 1 glass for 2 my body definitely was the ruler of "no, just one". You begin to learn real quick what is good for your body and what is not when it's now compromised. I think by being clear on what you want to do, allows for some transparency on whether the requests are history or still possible with limitations. I know it feels scary right now, but just build a relationship with your team to ask those normal questions, and hopefully, you'll get those replies that put you more at ease in getting through this. Wishing you the very best!