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Clinical Trials Conversations

I know a lot of people hit a wall as to how to bring the conversation up with their medical team on other options, besides the ones they may suggest. If possible it may be a good idea to do a little research on your end and then bring up your findings with your doctor.

The doctor knows best, but having that conversation on if you would be a good candidate or not gets the ball running in self-advocacy. More important, is the clarity from your doctor on why clinical trials may be an option and what it may entail for your particular situation which calls for a juicy and hopefully transparent discussion.

Have you ever started this type of conversation with your doctor?

  1. My oncologist and I have this conversation each time I see him. If I relapsed again...will my body handle a third round of chemotherapy. Radiation again? Are there other options to try before we turn to clinical trials? And many, many more questions go right along with those mentioned. I'm constantly got my nose in oncology/hematology web sites always learning. Knowledge is power. The more I learn, the more I bring to the table in questions. To the point I give my oncologist homework so he can give me answers. But that also how he learns also, since there's constantly new break throughs on medication and procedures for various cancers. He has told me several times on occasion how much he's learned from me these past 5 years. Never give up. Never give in. Shane ( Patient Leader)

    1. Funny you mention schooling your MD - I am going through this now with a returning cancer. My MD just threw out a knee jerk reaction and I decided to give myself a few weeks to do research and sure enough there are other options - now i have to see if they apply to me Dennis TEAM)

    2. We always have to stay consistent and vigilant when it comes to receiving the best plan of health. It is not easy because all puzzle pieces don't fit the same for many patients, there's a lot of starting around the edges first and working your way through the middle. I wish it wasn't like that but it is.

  2. Generally, a doctor that teaches and works at a medical University has more knowledge than most doctors on average. In my case, UAMS is not just a schooling/training medical University, but is a major research Hospital / University as well. So the doctors and nurses are up with the latest findings in medicine. But, with that being said, there are hundreds of other medical facilities, both government funded and privately funded, all around the world. There are several medical apps now that allow you to keep up with projects being worked on, new discoveries, etc., In the medical world. Even the doctors who school, teach and learn at major Universities, don't always have all the answers, simply because there are just to many facilities to keep up with. So, a lot of outside info come from people like me, able to pass on the new discoveries on to my APRN and Oncologist. I'm able to send them the link, and the go from there. This also works three ways. It helps them with new information, but can also benefit me as a patient, as well as other patients under his care. It also benefits the University as he passes the info to the school/hospital board of directors to research and learn to possibly add to their curriculum. This way everyone benefits and can help save more lives. It's a win, win situation.

    1. The teaching and research hospitals are the place to go. And YES you have to do your own digging. Currently exploring just such an option

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