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Advice for building a support system

What advice would you give to someone looking to build a strong support system during their blood cancer journey?

  1. Always pray and thank God for waking up each morning

    1. Pray to God everyday and thank him for everyday you have and make sure your family knows how you are doing so they can be there for you when you need them the most and make sure to let your close friends know they will be there for you too

      1. Stay positive and surround yourself with a team who supports you!

        1. I was diagnosed in August of 2023. I go every 3 months for blood work. As for my support I lean on my daughter. She listen to me when I have a melt down. Never questions my concerns. After I am done with my rant she hugs me says I am here for you.

          1. I have that relationship with my mom. We can get into what other people would DEFINITELY call fights no doubt but then literally have a laugh in the next sentence. It seems weird to others but we don't put malice into our arguments! I'm glad you have the same type of thing! Keep on keepin' on, DPM

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