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15 years with MDS

I was diagnosed with MDS 15 years ago I’m not in treatment I just get injections of Neulasta every three weeks recently. I’ve had to add Procrit to boost my red cells and my hemoglobin before I added this my white count would be 1500 to 2000 red cells 3.02 hemoglobin nine I have also had prostate cancer receive radiation for it. No problem since the life, a significant fatigue, and now I notice I have a lot more skin issues petechiae I also in addition to fatigue I have a complete loss of energy that can just come from anywhere. I could be driving a car and have to pull over. It’s very scary. No warning at all. I have difficulty sleeping at night I wake up tired I have been taking 2400 mg of gabapentin I’ve been taking 1800 mg of alpha lipoic acid I suffer with neuropathy I have diabetes type two but controlled but the burning in my toes and and numbness never goes away. It’s 24 seven I’ve recently had an additional bone marrow biopsy, which shows my disease was the same 15 years before they claimed that’s a good thing, but I feel that my illness is advancing, particularly the numerous petechiae on my skin, and my hemoglobin dropping sometimes to as low as 8 to 8 1/2 I don’t know what the future holds for me, but there’s nothing I can do about it I just feel hopeless turn awful disease

  1. I'm so sorry to hear how things are progressing in other areas but glad to hear that your bone marrow biopsy seems to be stable...which is good.
    Have you considered having other eyes on the situation in perhaps seeking a second opinion? It never hurts to get another perspective especially if it keeps your mind clear. Wishing you the very best!

    1. thank you for your kind words and advice. I do see you in another oncologist at University of Pennsylvania. she is the one that did the bone marrow biopsy but since then the symptoms that I mentioned in the addition of me needing procreate, and the neurology has me discouraged, I just seem to keep getting additional side effects that make it so hard for me to stay positive. I just don’t get any relief.

    2. When you think you can carry one load another bulk is thrown in the mix. I would suggest being open with your discussions with your medical team and having them be as transparent as they can be. Perhaps they can suggest a wellness coach to help you move forward despite what is in front of you presently...

      Here is a fitting article that may resonate with you. Best!

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