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What are your tips and tricks for passing time during infusion?

What are some of your tricks to passing time during infusion? I've studied and passed my certification during the process.

  1. When I was in the infusion room, I tried to have someone come with me, friends, my mom and husband all took turns. Sometimes I would feel like talking to pass the time, but others I just wanted to be quiet. I brought a "chemo bag" with me. Stocked with things to pass the time. I also brought soft, no-skid socks and a fuzzy blanket to keep me comfortable. With or without someone there, I enjoyed doing brain puzzles, crosswords or adult coloring books. I couldn't really focus enough to read a book. Quesy pops, Quesy drops and GinGin chews helped with the nausea I often experienced. I think having my bag of tricks and a routine when I got there helped pass the time more quickly.

    1. I love it! I was fortunate to have the team bring me the warmer blankets when I felt a chill. However, we pass the time (T.V, Reading, Talking) is golden. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I was there with my daughter and we too brought a chemo bag. It had our computers, coloring books, drinks and snacks. I tried to work, but often I spent the time watching the nuses or caring for my daughter.

    1. That is a great idea. The creative ways we get through this is amazing. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I agree with some of the previous posts that if you have someone to go with you, that's probably the best way to pass the time. You could bring a deck of cards or other board games and it's nice to just have company. If you go alone, make sure to bring a good playlist of songs you love or have some movies to watch. My favorite thing to do when I felt up to it was work on my blog. Writing about what I was going through really helped me work through some of the emotions I was dealing with!

    1. Another great way to pass the time. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I think if you can bring people with you, that always helps pass time quickly! Orrrr bringing a laptop/tablet to watch/binge a TV show!

    1. Yes, My tablet was my savior... now it's on its last leg. (LOL)

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