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The Time For Change

Have you gotten in a bind with your doctor and team and feel that the time has come for a change?
What are your go-to's in making the decision to jump ship?

For me, it would have to be getting too comfortable and speaking to me condescendingly like, or making a huge error, that would seal the deal no matter how good he or she has been over time.

What would be your deciding factor?

  1. My first oncologist was an older man whom I respected. He had worked in South America and had many stories to tell about the plight of people in countries without the access to proper care. Unfortunately, when I complained about the pain of my spleen he immediately related stories of people whose spleen had enlarged beyond the rib cage. Since my spleen was not entirely bulging out of my rib cage he smiled and reminded me of my privilege. He patted me on the back and sent me on my way. I realized that I felt guilty for even complaining about what felt like a rock on my left side. I didn't want it to ever bulge beyond my ribcage before he would take it seriously so I left his care. I still respect his work and I can only imagine what he witnessed and how it affected him. Fact is though, I have to take care of me.

    1. 💯

    2. agree

  2. My criteria is simple ... I listen to the voices in my head (seriously we all have them) and IF I am sensing some ongoing discomfort I will act proactively vs waiting for some new trigger event to motivate me. Gut feelings are there to protect us. So right or wrong i take advantage of that guidance. Dennis( TEAM)

    1. Yes, it usually pays to follow your gut. You know what is right and wrong in how experiences with your doctor should go, if things have gotten uncomfortable or questionable then the next steps are a no-brainer.

    2. It's a learning process, but once you figure it out you'll know. Best!

  3. Your survival depends on gut instinct plain and simple. Doesn't matter if your lost in the woods or rocky mountains. Same goes for depending on your medical care team. If your gut says something ain't right, you question it. If your still not satisfied with the answers, you get a second, even third opinion. Never take chances when your life depends on everything. Shane ( team member)

    1. Totally agree, Shane. Best!

    2. Agree Shane - you are your own best resource when it comes to your personal care

  4. I always follow my gut feeling it never does me wrong especially when you’re giving me a bad aura. I’m an empath so when I feel something is not right I follow it I don’t even try to wait around to see.

    1. Many of us take for granted that inner gut feeling.

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