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Phoenix Rising After Diagnosis

The Phoenix Bird of Greek mythology symbolizes fire, rebirth and a passion for life.

What inspiration has helped you recover your sense of hope and balance after being diagnosed with blood-cancer?

  1. Personally what helped me was focusing more on spirituality vs being religion focused. Go figure

    1. the spirituality for me as well

  2. Good topic Dennis. In my ten years of battling leukemia I've had to switch chemotherapies four times. Each time I felt closer to the grim reaper. The disease was winning and I had to take extreme measures. The last battle nearly broke me and I begged for a chemo break. Little did I know that at that moment I had reached a full molecular response and the battle was won. It felt like that phoenix rising from the ashes. A little broken and bent, but surviving and on the way to thriving again. Thanks for posting this. It resonates. Credit Billie Eilish

    1. I always heard and been told when your at your breaking point that’s when break through is right around the corner & look‼️Break through came🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

    2. second that 🙋🏾‍♀️😍🔥🔥🔥♥️

  3. Once tagged with cancer it indeed feels like a rebirth, with that Pheonix bird showing us we're stronger than we think.

    1. You hit such a low with a cancer diagnosis it sure feels like a rebirth and a reawakening to what life is all about

  4. Target 🎯 🎯🎯🎯💯

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