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Is it time for the outdoors?

Well, here we have it, it's year 3 of the unprecedented COVID pandemic, and people are back to being comfortable out and about. Summer is officially here and the beaches are full and people are active and trying to live their best lives. Have you let your guard down or have you moved ahead and gotten back to the groove of some normalcy on top of a chronic condition and a dangerous virus still in the midst?

  1. Low immunity keeps me away from crowds. But I do enjoy visiting with people outdoors. I enjoy my garden immensely, as it has my fresh vegetables and organic food. It keeps me moving, but I still stay pretty sick with the newest virus, allergies, colds I’ve just decided that this is a way of life Covid or no Covid. Low IGA’s, means low immunity and constantly awareness of germs.

    1. Yes, it can be tiring watching this and that while staying safe, and not disturbing a body that is already dire with low immunity. Continue doing what you can by taking it day by day. Best!

    2. What are some things you grow in your garden? I only grow flowers and am impressed by people who grow food. Flower or food, gardens are important. My mom loved her garden so much that when she couldn't sleep, she planted flowers in her mind. People have ascribed various meanings to the last words of Voltaire's Candid -- "il faut cultiver notre jardin -- most simply "We must cultivate our gardens." The author of a blog on the site of a management and leadership organization puts it nicely: "We must grow and create something beautiful." Or, " let’s get down to work and make the best out of what we have."

      When I feel all over the place, I say the phrase to remind myself to focus on the beauty right in front of me.

      So, Famfinder, who needs crowds when you have all that you need to work with right in front of you? Of course I am very sorry to hear that you get sick so often. Keep us posted and send photos! Warmly, Ronni ( team member)

  2. I don't feel like I've "moved on," completely. Like Famfinder says, low immunity still means I don't go to crowded places--also because in the last year, I'm less mobile and it is difficult to walk. I notice this year that pollen and grass and other things also seem to really affecting me which was not the case before. But it is still better than in the initial "Covid" phase. Last week, I heard of two people getting COVID for the first time. One was "embarrassed," to say anything and spread it around to parishioners at her church as well as my friend who is on staff there. Shame.

    1. Yes, COVID is very much a thing, and being embarrassed to do what is right can end up harming someone else. I'm happy to be out and about but I do move a tad differently. I avoid a cluster of people in the grocery store who seem perplexed about should the whole family get beans or pasta. My spidey antennas have allowed me to stay on top of who is around me, and any cough without a mask on gets you a look.

  3. It's been a year and a half since I was done with my last bout of treatment, and I have been working hard to get back to full health. So some would look at me and think that I have let my guard all the way down. But I do things like nasal sprays before I go out and specific supplements for my liver and gut when I return home. I'm still a bit of a germaphobe though. It does give a bit more sense of security to be able to be outside.

    1. Yes, being fresh off of treatment you want to be extra careful because it can feel like walking on pins and needles. You want to enjoy this sense of freedom from what is involved with treatment, and anything that can rock it so soon from that freedom would be a bummer. I can be a germaphobe as well; I've used so much hand sanitizer sometimes it affects my hands because depending on the brands tends to strip the skin (blink blink). We do our best in increments, I guess 😀

  4. Naw, I keep my suppressed immune system number 1 interest at all times. If i go somewhere where there's lots of people, the mask is on. Around the house workin projects like my flower garden, vegi garden, etc, I'm ok without a mask.

    1. Exactly Shane! It's about knowing your limits and controlling what you can when you can. Best!

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