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How do you get a good night sleep?

Morning All. I’m lying here, struggling to get back off to sleep and was just curious about others sleep patterns. During the day my mind is kept busy and I can go for longer periods not thinking about my lymphoma. However, at nighttime, when I’m tired and desperate for sleep, my mind has a different idea! I find it extremely difficult to relax. I’ve tried music and audio books and this is somewhat effective in helping me get to sleep (at times) but I more than often wake again. This is the loneliest time for me. Do any of you have the same problem and have found anything useful to help? I know it will never be perfect but if I can improve it a little I’m hoping the fatigue might improve a little too!

  1. Nichola75,
    I am sorry to hear you are struggling with sleep issues. That is so frustrating! I thought I'd share this article you may find helpful:
    I do hope you will get a restful night's sleep soon.
    Warmly, Doreen ( Team)

    1. Thank you Doreen, that was a really interesting read. Anything is worth a try! Merry Christmas and thanks again x

      1. When I was newly diagnosed I struggled with sleep issues too. My mind was running like the Energizer Bunny. Some tips are to make sure no electronics before bed; lavender essential oils; dark, cool room; listening to a mindfulness podcast; exercise during the day; sticking to a bedtime schedule. When I was going through a period of relapse I consulted with my oncologist and was prescribed an anxiety medication to help me get a better nights sleep. Hope you catch some shut eye soon!

        1. Thanks Cindy. I’m trying everything! Wishing you the happiest of New Years xxx

      2. Nicola,
        When anxious my mind is like a video camera with worries.
        I have found journaling and writing about my worries. I have also listening to soft music and a diffuser with lavender as soothing.
        I hope one of these may help.

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