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Genetics or environment?

Both my one brother and I have been diagnosed with multiple myeloma. I can see where genetics play a part but he and I wonder about an environmental factor since as small children we lived on an oil tanker.

We also wonder about the fact our mother had been on a drug to help prevent miscarriages for both of us(for the 3rd sibling the drug was not used). My brother and I are 2 yrs apart age-wise and we got diagnosed about 2 months apart. Does anyone have any suggestions?

  1. ,
    We appreciate you reaching out and sharing your story. I'm saddened to hear how MM has affected your family. Your questions are all valid, as each one of your concerns is a risk factor associated with blood cancer (MM). Unfortunately, we cannot answer specifically however, I do hope others will chime in with their own experiences. In the meantime, I thought I'd share this article that may provide some helpful information:
    Sending you and your brother all our best, Doreen (Team Member)

    1. So sorry to hear how myeloma has affected you and your brother. Multiple myeloma along with many other cancers and blood-related cancers has no rhyme to reason. It is suggested that in some cases it may be an environmental factor but who really knows? I know when I was younger we lived above a cleaner and the fumes were so egregious that for my understanding that may have been a factor for me, but again there is no clear indicator of multiple myeloma. Please refer to the helpful article that Doreen was able to pull. Wishing you the very best!

      1. I’m sorry for the diagnosis, but please know we are here to support you both🫂💗

        1. The many causes cancer are so varied it is difficult to pin down what caused it in each of our lives. I often wonder if the radiation i received for Prostate Cancer was the cause of my blood cancer or was it the many chemicals we all are exposed to every day - And what caused my prostate cancer ? No one in my family had cancer in the past until my dad who smoked heavily died from lung cancer in his late 50's

          My approach is try to live as cleanly as possible when it comes to food and after that I keep on top of my medical appointments and speak up when experincing any kind of medical issues. Silence is not a medical cure . Dennis( TEAM)

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