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Frustrating of treatment

Throughout the cancer Jumanji path/journey what stood out as the one most frustrating part or thing to you? I know there’s many frustrating hurdles to jump over dealing with cancer. But what was a major frustrating issue you found to you?

  1. I know this may sound silly, but it was my hospital bed. I was always inpatient for treatment and the bed was not the most comfortable thing 😩even after I bought my own pillow and comforter. That mattress is hard on the back.

    1. Same here ... My hospital bed was awful as the center of the mattress apparently was designed with a slight indentation to keep a patient from rolling around. By day 3 my back hurt so much the MD on staff decided i needed pain medications - Nope I refused to take it - All I needed was a new bed with decent support. It was not until I got home did my back improve.It may appear to be a small thing - it is not - speak up if your hospital bed is not comfortable

    2. you are so on point!

  2. I have to inject myself twice weekly with G-CSF (Filgrastim). I have been prescribed to do this for 12 months. After only 2 months I am so tired of doing it - the bone pain, headaches and fatigue are getting to me.

    1. 🫂🫂🫂 that combination of everything is really hard! The bone pain alone 😫😫😫I’m sorry Amanda🐼 ( team member) ❤️

      1. , Lack of concern about exhaustion by the medical professionals. Constant exhaustion will kill you without any other medical issues

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