Are there any home projects to take your mind off blood cancer that you may have in the works this Spring? I'm thinking of replacing a kitchen faucet and fixing a split ceiling. What are your plans?
Ann Harper Moderator & Contributor
My plan is to start my garden and finish my class!
Yolanda Brunson-Sarrabo Moderator & Contributor
Ann, that is wonderful! I have a bunch of things to start, and it didn't help I've been under the weather so it pushes back the goals.
Racheli Alkobey Moderator & Contributor
I am hoping to minimize our belongings and donate them to the local American Cancer Society donation center... however I feel like Spring is quickly breezing by and that June is around the corner... AH!
Yolanda Brunson-Sarrabo Moderator & Contributor
Hi Racheli, That is so cool! I totally agree the summer is hitting here quickly, so it puts things in a rush to complete. Oh well 😀