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Celebrating My 4th Cancer Free Anniversary

Every year, November 12th rolls around and it feels like November 12th, 2015 was yesterday. And then it doesn't. My journey through treatment feels like it was a lifetime ago, but also like it was yesterday. These emotions and experiences get pushed aside in day to day life, so on November 12th each year, I get to reflect and celebrate all that I have accomplished since I was told the words, "You have cancer."

On November 12th, my husband, Adam, creates a scavenger hunt that we call, "12 Quests for 12 Rounds of Chemo". It is one of the days and experiences I look forward to every year! In this week's video, you can take a peek behind the curtain of how we celebrate! If you are interested, below are the "12 Quests" that Adam created for me and my friends!

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  1. Find some beans.
  2. Play a ditty on a Jukebox.
  3. Make a toast with a stranger or find a piece of toast.
  4. Find a bird.
  5. Say something nice to 12 people.
  6. Put together the best wickie outfit ye can.
  7. Find a sunflower.
  8. Find yummy vegan food.
  9. Find a married couple. Ask them: What is the secret to a long marriage?
  10. Find a rock.
  11. Get your team to the highest spot and tell "Everything's gunna be okay!"
  12. Find Adam.

How do you celebrate the day of your final treatment?

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