Finding Hope in Everything!

2020, what a year already! In the middle of January, I was diagnosed with Waldrenstrom, a blood cancer. My world flipped upside down.

While in the Columbus hospital my mind races, and thoughts bounce back a forth about all these things, ideas, why's, what, you just can get your head around things. I was ready to come home. I didn't realize that when I got home that not only my family would be an inspiration, but a 900 lb animal would be too. His name is Gunner.

Meeting Gunner

When we pulled into the driveway, there he was. My beautiful bay with 4 white socks, and bald face blaze starring at me. I even saw his mouth vibrating so I know he was saying hello. He loves his dinner time! Lol

You see Gunner, like me, was given a second chance in life. He was bought by a friend of mine that attends slaughter auctions and pulls perfectly good horses for people to have and ride. This beautiful boy got a second chance. A second chance with me.

Giving thanks for a second chance

So, now I've gotten that chance too. What we are being told is that this cancer won't kill me, that I'll die with this cancer. The good Lord basically saved me from slaughter too. JMO I'm blessed. Blessed to have the family I have and blessed to have this magnificent animal to see in my field every day.

God bless!

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