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  1. Good evening 🧡What has you frustrated if I may ask? 🫂I’m always here if you need a listening ear💜

  2. I can relate and navigating all this sure can make a person's head spin!

  3. It certainly happens! I hope whatever had you frustrated has been resolved. Warm wishes, Katelynn (Team Member)

  4. I finished 7 rounds of chemo the last one on Dec 28th. Left me totally weak, tired, and without any appetite. Have gained back my appetite and some energy but still not wanting to do much. Feel frightened about the future. Will have another PET scan in about two months to see if the Large Diffuse B Cell Lymphoma has been put down or will come at me again. Aready had Follicular Non Hodgkins Lymphoma and am told I wont be without it in the future. It had transformed into the other. So isolated too. Only one place to hang out and thats been like being on pins and needles. Wish I had more friends-real friends.

  5. Sorry this has been so trying. The future always seems so bleak when the words' cancer is uttered. I can say getting a grasp of this by taking one day at a time is truly a suggested route to go through. We're glad you found this community, that shares similar journies. Wishing you the very best!

  6. thank you