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A docked boat, on calm seas with furled sails


I sometimes think of how Leuk has changed my life. He’s certainly made me appreciate it more. Time spent as a husband, father, and grandfather has become way more important than being a workaholic.

I still get busy with my writing and other things but I do my best now to put family first.

All that being said, I have days when I need to be by myself. I guess it’s the introvert in me but my alone times are important too. They often rejuvenate my soul making it easier to participate in life again.

But some days while I’m sitting in my cave it hits me that I have cancer. I mean, I’m aware of it to some measure every day yet I don’t often think about how leukemia is going to affect me in the future. What will my limitations be?

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I am not fighting cancer alone

My life is a little bit limited now, but not that much. I wonder though what the Fates have in mind for me. Will I have the energy to pursue my goals? How active will I be? How long will I live? What of my family? And what of my attitude? Will I just give up on trying to do anything?

Some of my readers, both here and on my personal blog, are facing similar worries. My cancer is under control for now but others of you are already in advanced stages. I can’t express enough how much it means to me to read about your take on things. The ways you are handling life encourages me to press on.

Though I would never wish cancer on anyone, I am glad to know I’m not fighting alone. This introverted loner has discovered that sharing, even with strangers, really helps. It gets me involved in a small way with the lives of fellow cancer patients.

Cancer does not define us

I’ve said in the past that we shouldn’t let our cancer define us and I believe that strongly. Still, it is there. It is a part of me. I do my best to find a balance between my life and my leukemia but Leuk is a persistent adversary. He never wanders too far from my thoughts.

People find solace in their faith, friendships and families. Others absorb themselves in goals, projects, or hobbies. But I think many of us on this blog find it in each other as well. I don’t know any of you, yet in some ways I do.

Some of you have commented that my posts helped you in some way and I'm glad for that. But your comments and the other posts on this website feed me too.

Thank you

I know this post is different from my others. I guess it’s a sort of thank you letter. I’ve only been writing for for a few months but it already seems like a harbor of sorts. A place to furl my sails and drop anchor for a while.

So fair winds and following seas to you all.

Thank you.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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