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Don't Judge What You Don't See

The saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover” and how it relates to blood cancer is an accurate statement. Though we’ve heard the statement “Don’t judge a person,” we do so and with the help of social media more heavily than usual.

In the earlier talks of multiple myeloma, I recall someone pointing out that multiple myeloma is not a cancer that is in one place or carcinoma situ (in one place), but more the whole make-up.

“It’s like Prego.” I was trying to find the technical term or meaning of this slang, but basically, a good sauce has all the necessary components that make up the batch of goodness. Therefore, with myeloma, there’s no targeted area like breast or lung cancer, it’s literally abnormal cells embedded in our total make-up.

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My disease, please

Though for many, you really couldn’t tell if a myeloma patient had multiple myeloma, and though this is a growing disease many are clueless on what it’s about.

I’ve stated before if people can’t see your distress they automatically think what you’re coping with is invalid. Myeloma unfortunately is one of those invisible illnesses, and most of the time if you’re not showing severe signs; many of those looking in don’t comprehend.

The most they can identifying with are symptoms of fatigue and neuropathy. However, those who know the trials and tribulations know there can be so much more to the experience.

I don’t know if others could relate but sometimes you want people to focus on the person rather the color and print of a dress or shirt, that makes you look put together. Sometimes people choose to be unengaged in what others are dealing with and choose to focus on the negative, unimportant, or not be bothered at all.

Multiple what?

Oftentimes, part of the misconceptions about what this unseen ailment is supposed to be. There is confusion in pinpointing if is this a bone or blood cancer. Sometimes it takes some effort to describe the anatomy and the science that many are still figuring out themselves. You would think there would be a clear distinction as to what the uproar in blood cancer is about, but efforts to build awareness that are so needed to be able to address and explain the invisible illness.

So. Yes, this form of cancer affects both the bone and blood, along with other areas.

Invisibile, but not for us

Even now in remission, I still have reminded people that though the disease is inactive, I’m still fighting for my life in one way or another. Sadly, people respond to what they see, and not what is deemed the invisible illness that is our own nightmare at times.

I always say most people can’t or won’t relate because they are not in this bind, but all we can do is continue educating. Sometimes becoming a patient advocate in sharing the many experiences will resonate somewhere by someone, or so we hope.

 The time to fight is now, with integrity, grace, hope, and a smile….when you feel like it

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