Deb Wesloh

Blood Cancer Community Advocate Deborah WeslohDeb Wesloh lives in Bulverde Texas. She has been married to her husband Kevin for 33 years and they have three boys; Kris, Joe and Josh. She retired as an Army Officer in 2005 and now works as government civilian at an organization that assists Soldiers separating from the Army get their Veterans Affairs claims adjudicated appropriately.

She holds Bachelor degrees in Biology and Health and Master Degrees in Health Informatics and Health System Science. She was an adjunct professor at St. Phillips College from 2005-2008, instructing medical terminology.

Deb is an almost three year breast cancer survivor. She was diagnosed with early stage invasive ductal carcinoma and underwent treatment in 2016 to include chemotherapy and bilateral mastectomy. She was also diagnosed with a rare blood cancer called polycythemia vera (PV) that same year.

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Although the breast cancer diagnosis was not a complete surprise - her mom had it twice – the PV was. She, at the time of diagnosis was a long distance runner, was in excellent physical shape and did not have any symptoms except elevated blood levels.

PV causes her bone marrow to make too many red blood cells. This not only causes irritating symptoms like severe fatigue, spleen enlargement and itching and it also significantly increases her risk of heart attack, stroke or blood clot. This cancer is chronic and progressive. It can't be cured but she is undergoing treatment that has so far proved to be effective. It has made her numerous symptoms manageable and has improved her overall quality of life.

She supports multiple Veteran and cancer organizations as a participant, volunteer and/or advocate to include; Warrior Cry Music Project, Team Red, White and Blue (RWB), Curtain Up Cancer Foundation, Casting for Recovery, Sandra’s Hope Foundation, After Breast Cancer Diagnosis (ABCD) and Soldiers’ Songs and Voices.

As a writer, she has participated in a couple of cancer storytelling productions through Curtain Up Foundation. In addition, she has had a cancer-related story published in a literary journal called High Noon. Her goal is to continue to use writing as a means to provide awareness for both breast cancer and polycythemia vera…and to someday write a book on her experiences. Other interests include walking, biking, reading, playing guitar, photography and spending time with her family.

Because of two cancers impacting her life, she knows her future is uncertain. Therefore, she likes to live large, take risks, do crazy and unusual things that are way out of her comfort zone. She tries to make each day count and is determined not to let this all defeat her or diminish her joy of life.

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